Who will replace Hugh Jackman as Wolverine? Conan O'Brien has found some 'audition tapes' from possible contenders

Larry King seems to rock the claws rather well would you not agree?

Jess Denham
Thursday 09 July 2015 21:49 BST
Larry King 'auditioning' to be the next Wolverine
Larry King 'auditioning' to be the next Wolverine

Conan O'Brien has provided today's laughs by unearthing the "audition tapes" of actors wanting to replace Hugh Jackman when he steps down as Wolverine.

The US TV host is at Comic-Con in San Diego, where he presented videos of famous faces giving their best shots at the claw-wielding mutant. Some brought claws and others went for a more *ahem* James Bond-style approach.

Thomas Middleditch, Nick Offerman, Patton Oswalt, Hannibal Buress, Larry King, Michael Sheen and Betty White were among the contenders while Kristen Schaal rocked up in full Ghostbusters gear complete with green slime, only to be told that she had got the wrong idea.

Who knew Wolverine's famous line from X-Men: Origins, "I'm the best there is at what I do but what I do best isn't very nice" could be so hard to nail?

Take a look at the hilarious video and decide who you think would be the best choice:

Jackman has been playing Wolverine for almost two decades but will be hanging up his wolf suit after shooting the character's third solo movie.

"It just felt like it was the right time to do it," he announced in May. "And let's be honest, 17 years. I never thought in a million years it would last, so I'm so grateful to the fans for the opportunity of playing it.

"I kind of have in my head what we're going to do in this last one. It just feels like this is the perfect way to go out."

Wolverine is strongly tipped to make an appearance in X-Men: Apocalypse, due out next year, although this is yet to be confirmed. The next Wolverine solo film is not scheduled for release until 2017.

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