Cultural Life: Marina Diamandis, singer

Interview,Miranda Kiek
Friday 30 July 2010 00:00 BST
(Frantzesco Kangaris)

Books: I only read books which are factual. At the moment, I'm reading 'Stumbling on Happiness' by Daniel Gilbert. I'm half-way through it. It's about how to measure happiness. Really, it's a sociology book. My Dad's half Greek and I've been reading a lot about Greek mythology. Greek mythology is so rich in ideas, especially about morality – which can inspire my work.

Visual Arts: One of my favourite places is MoMA in New York. Every time I go to New York I visit MoMA because it's filled with inspiration. I discovered an artist called Jessica Stockholder and she's influenced my UK tour – it's a really good place to get ideas. During GCSE and A-Level art I was drawn to Pop Art which is how I got into modern art.

Films: I hardly watch any films. The last film I saw was a French film called 'Fear and Trembling' which is about a Belgian woman working in Japan. It's a brilliant film for anyone interested in Japanese culture as I am. My favourite film is 'Life Is Beautiful'. I like war films – another of my favourite films is 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas'.

Music: The last album I listened to a lot was 'Nobody's Daughter' by Hole. It's absolutely brilliant. It's the best album Courtney Love has done in ages, it's really nice to hear her back to her early Nineties' form. It's a record that anyone who loves Nineties' grunge will love. Every track is strong. I'm a massive closet fan of Eminem. I have been for years. His most recent album is quite different to his previous work as there's not so much humour in it, which might be a good thing. I think he's one of the most honest artists around and so talented it's not true.

Marina and the Diamonds' new single, "Oh No!", is out on Monday

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