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The shoes that ensure you don't step on any toes


Samuel Muston
Tuesday 20 March 2012 01:00 GMT
'I'm not available' Arfango’s loafers
'I'm not available' Arfango’s loafers

You're in a bar, it's Friday night and you've taken a fancy to the good-looking chap at the far end of the bar. But it's dark; too dark to see if he's wearing a wedding ring. What to do? Go over and risk the embarrassment? Or bury yourself in your dry white wine and maybe miss out on The One?

Well, as the gossip website Jezebel points out, from now on you should probably just look down, at his feet – to see if he is wearing a pair of Arfango's $249 (£155) loafers. The not-so-suave shoes are covered, over and over, with a message intended to leave no one in doubt where the wearer's allegiance lies. It reads, in block capitals: "I'M NOT AVAILABLE."

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