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Car fanatic and drag racer Becky Evans gives her top tips on those vital pre-road trip checks

Becky is a car lover born and bred. Much of her childhood was spent on race tracks and drag racing strips around the UK as she followed her father’s racing career.

Monday 10 October 2022 15:29 BST
Drag Racer and presenter Becky Evans reveals some insider tips for staying safe on the road

Cars, engines and modification quickly became second nature to her as she took to the track herself, competing in races and immersing herself in the automotive world.

Today she uses the skills and knowledge passed on by her father combined with an innate passion for motors to host TV shows and online channels for everyone from Red Bull to the BBC.

Armed with all that knowledge and passion, you’d expect Becky to have some pretty handy tips for other motorists setting off on long drives. And you’d be right.

Becky’s Tool Kit Tips

  1. Tyre check: Always check your tyres before a long trip. Make sure your tread depth is legal, there are no bulges or cracks, and that you have the recommended tyre pressure.
  2. Glass cleaner: You never know when your windscreen is going to be covered in flies, so keep glass cleaner and a clean microfibre in the glove compartment so you can stop, wipe down the windscreen and ensure you have perfect vision.
  3. Keep gloves handy: It’s best to keep some disposable gloves in the car to avoid having to touch fuel pumps and protect your nails if you’re doing any work under the bonnet.

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