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Constance Marten – latest news: Court hears baby ‘Victoria’ found with pile of nappies in shed

Name of dead infant revealed as Marten and Mark Gordon remanded in custody charged with manslaughter

Constance Marten: Police say baby found in woods ‘had been dead for some time’

Constance Marten and Mark Gordon have been remanded into custody charged with the manslaughter of baby “Victoria” after a court heard the remains of a baby were found in a plastic bag under some nappies in an allotment shed.

The couple appeared at Crawley Magistrates’ Court on Friday accused of three charges - including concealing the birth of a child and perverting the course of justice.

Marten, 35, and Gordon, 48, spoke only to confirm their names, dates of birth and that they were of no fixed abode during a short hearing.

Gordon wore a grey jumper over his head throughout the hearing. At one stage during the hearing, Marten blew a kiss to Gordon.

An infant’s remains were found on Wednesday after a major two-day search operation in Sussex while detectives revealed the infant was dead for some time.

Local residents held a vigil for the baby lighting candles and laying flowers near where it was found earlier this week.


Constance Marten and Mark Gordon’s baby found dead in allotment shed, court hears

Constance Marten and Mark Gordon have appeared in court charged with manslaughter after the remains of their baby were found in a shed.

Officers found the body of a baby on Wednesday in the Hollingbury area of Brighton, East Sussex, following a massive two-day search operation involving 200 officers.

Crawley Magistrates’ Court heard the baby’s remains were found in a plastic bag under some nappies in an allotment shed.

Thomas Kingsley has the details.

Constance Marten and Mark Gordon’s baby found dead in shed, court hears

Court hears baby’s remains were found in a plastic bag under some nappies in an allotment shed

Joe Middleton3 March 2023 14:26

Thanks for following our live coverage, we are pausing our updates for the evening.

Katy Clifton3 March 2023 17:59

When do Constance Marten and Mark Gordon next appear in court?

The couple are due to appear at the Old Bailey, in central London, on March 31.

Joe Middleton3 March 2023 15:55

Baby girl called Victoria

Constance Marten’s baby, discovered wrapped in a plastic bag in an allotment shed, has been identified as “Victoria” in court.

The aristocrat and her partner, Mark Gordon, were remanded in custody by magistrates, charged with the manslaughter of “Victoria”.

A major two-day search operation led to the infant’s discovery on Wednesday.

Prosecutor Jeremy King at Crawley Magistrates’ Court briefly outlined how the charges were brought against the pair, including that the remains were found in a locked shed at an “overgrown” allotment.

Jane Dalton3 March 2023 15:42

Remains of baby found in plastic bag under nappies, court hears

The court heard the remains of a baby were found in a plastic bag under some nappies in an allotment shed.

Constance Marten, 35, and Mark Gordon, 48, spoke only to confirm their names, dates of birth and that they were of no fixed abode during a short hearing in front of a packed courtroom.

Gordon wore a grey jumper over his head throughout the hearing.

The aristocrat and her partner were charged with the offences on Thursday after the remains of the infant were found on Wednesday afternoon following a major two-day search operation.

The pair will appear at the Old Bailey on March 31.

Joe Middleton3 March 2023 14:13

Mark Gordon arrives at Crawley Police Station ahead of court appearance

Mark Gordon arrives at Crawley Police Station ahead of court appearance
Joe Middleton3 March 2023 14:02

Pictured: Mark Gordon arriving at court

Mark Gordon is led into Crawley Police Station before being taken to Crawley Magistrates Court
Mark Gordon is led into Crawley Police Station before being taken to Crawley Magistrates Court (PA)
Joe Middleton3 March 2023 13:56

Couple appear in the dock at Crawley Magistrates Court

Constance Marten and Mark Gordon are now in the dock at Crawley Magistrates Court.

Joe Middleton3 March 2023 13:53

Constance Marten and Mark Gordon arrive at court

Constance Marten and Mark Gordon have arrived at court where they face charges of gross negligence manslaughter, concealing the birth of a child and perverting the course of justice.

Media outside Crawley Magistrates Court where Constance Marten and Mark Gordon are due to appear
Media outside Crawley Magistrates Court where Constance Marten and Mark Gordon are due to appear (PA)
Joe Middleton3 March 2023 13:41

Pictured: Tributes to baby found in Sussex

Joe Middleton3 March 2023 13:25

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