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PMQs live updates: Theresa May faces Jeremy Corbyn as sexual harassment scandal deepens

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Lizzy Buchan
Political Correspondent
Wednesday 01 November 2017 12:16 GMT
Theresa May has vowed to take action on the numerous claims of sexual harassment and assault
Theresa May has vowed to take action on the numerous claims of sexual harassment and assault (BBC)

Welcome to The Independent’s liveblog of Prime Minister’s Questions, in a week where British politics has been dominated by allegations of sexual harassment and abuse.

Theresa May announced plans for cross-party talks over how to cope with the growing scandal, as MPs on all sides piled in to condemn reports of intimidation, bullying and sexual assault in Westminster.

The Prime Minister has faced pressure to ask her de-facto deputy Damian Green to stand aside during an investigation into claims he made inappropriate advances towards a Tory activist - an allegation he denies.

Mr Corbyn agreed to meet with Ms May and joined her in condemning the abuse, as his own party launched an independent probe into claims that activist Bex Bailey was discouraged by a party official from reporting an alleged rape at a Labour event in 2011.

The Labour leader focused most of his questions on tax avoidance, kicking off the clash with concerns over a loophole on importing private jets onto the Isle of Mann.

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