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UK politics - as it happened: Senior Tories tell Theresa May to listen to business as Jaguar Land Rover issues Brexit warning

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Lizzy Buchan
Political Correspondent
Thursday 05 July 2018 16:15 BST

Theresa May is facing pressure to heed warnings from business leaders on Brexit ahead of a crunch cabinet meeting where she will try to unite her warning ministers on EU exit terms.

More than 40 Tory MPs have written to the prime minister, urging her dismiss any potential Brexit deal "without our trading, enterprising and innovative businesses and their employees at its heart".

It comes as car giant Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) said a hard Brexit would hit its profits by £1.2bn, and insisted that it needs "greater certainty" to continue to invest and support more than 40,000 British jobs.

The warning follows similar statements from Airbus and BMW, and a wider sense of discomfort among among firms after Boris Johnson reportedly declared "f*** business".

Owen Paterson, a former Conservative minister, also told the Today programme that firms would be "better off" if the UK leaves the customs union as they will "have access to cheaper parts and components all around the world and European suppliers will be forced to compete".

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Angela Merkel has warned Theresa May of the time pressures to secure a Brexit deal, as the two leaders meet in Berlin for discussions.

Ms May has flown to the German capital in a bid to secure last-minute support for her new “third way” customs plan for Brexit, ahead of the publication of the new policy later this month.

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Lizzy Buchan5 July 2018 16:31

Lizzy Buchan5 July 2018 16:38

Furious reaction from Brexiteers on the suggestion that US trade deals could be rules out, despite denials from Downing Street.

Lizzy Buchan5 July 2018 16:53

On non-Brexit related news, the palace of Westminster is going to be lit up in blue to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the NHS.

The campaign by North Cumbria NHS Trust, and championed by justice minister Rory Stewart, will see parts of parliament bathed in blue light at 9.20pm on Thursday.

Mr Stewart, MP for Penrith and the Border, said: “It is appropriate that, on the anniversary of one of our country’s proudest legislative achievements, both houses of parliament have approved this visual display of the NHS’ importance and our collective commitment to its preservation.

"With both the birthday and the recent announcement of the increase in the NHS’ budget there is a great deal to celebrate.

"I would like to pay a huge tribute to the North Cumbria NHS Trust for their wonderful idea, and to Mr John Bercow, Lord Fowler and all of the staff at the palace of Westminster who have made this possible. I am very much looking forward to seeing the illumination."

Lizzy Buchan5 July 2018 17:02

Another Brexiteer piles in. Andrea Jenkyns recently resigned from a junior ministerial position so she could campaign on Brexit, rather than be bound by the government's stance.

Lizzy Buchan5 July 2018 17:18

That's it for The Independent's politics liveblog for the day. Thanks for following!

Lizzy Buchan5 July 2018 17:23

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