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PMQs - as it happened: Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn clash over NHS winter crisis warnings

All the latest updates from Westminster, as they happened

Lizzy Buchan
Political Correspondent
Wednesday 10 January 2018 09:47 GMT
Jeremy Corbyn attacks Theresa May over private healthcare in PMQs

Theresa May was accused of being "too weak" to sack her Health Secretary as warnings over the NHS winter crisis dominated the first Prime Minister's Questions of the year.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn focused all six of his questions on challenges in the health service, after hospitals were told to defer around 55,000 routine operations and potentially millions of outpatient appointments to free up capacity for the sickest patients.

He also mocked Ms May for failing to get rid of Jeremy Hunt, the Health Secretary, who was widely thought to be in line for a move during the reshuffle but kept his job, and expanded his remit, after reportedly refusing to budge.

The two-day reshuffle - aimed at ridding her top team of its “pale, male and stale” image - saw a raft of new MPs promoted to junior ministerial positions. However Ms May’s efforts to shake up the top tier stalled when senior ministers, including Mr Hunt and Justine Greening, until then the Education Secretary, declined other jobs.

MPs also debated opposition day motions on the NHS and the railways, while Labour’s motion demanding that the Government releases extra cash to combat the crisis passed in the Commons without a vote.

See below for live updates


Corbyn is up and goes in on NHS - as expected. He asks her what warm words she has for the 17,000 patients waiting in the back of ambulances in the back of December.

PM says it is not perfect and offers her sympathies to those who have had to wait. She stands by her claim that the NHS is more prepared for winter than ever before.

She says for the first time ever, urgent GP appointments were available across the festive period.

Lizzy Buchan10 January 2018 12:11

Corbyn hits back, says she knows there was a crisis as she wanted to sack Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt - but was too weak to do it. He says nurses are treating patients in car parks.

Asks why 55,000 operations were delayed, if the NHS is so well prepared.

PM says she got to say thank you to staff on a visit to a hospital last week, who do 'a fantastic job day in and day out'.

Lizzy Buchan10 January 2018 12:12

Lizzy Buchan10 January 2018 12:13

Corbyn is telling the story of Vicky, in Warwickshire, who waited hours for an ambulance for her mother.

PM promises to look at that case. She says Corbyn is giving the impression that the NHS is failing but actually 2.9m more people are using it.

Corbyn says the social care crisis is putting pressure on hospitals, and asks why Jeremy Hunt was 'rewarded' with a new job title. He has been appointed as the new Health and Social Care Secretary.

PM says good work is being done across the country in hospitals, working with GPs, care homes and social care providers to keep older people out of hospitals. Cites Labour's record in Wales, where she claims funding is being cut and targets being missed.

Lizzy Buchan10 January 2018 12:17

Lizzy Buchan10 January 2018 12:19

Things are getting heated, forcing Speaker John Bercow to intervene to tell Jon Ashworth, the shadow health secretary, to stop gesticulating.

Corbyn says Ashworth is auditioning to be Health Secretary and shows real passion for the health service.

Lizzy Buchan10 January 2018 12:21

Speculation that Speaker might have been referring to a leadership bid from Mr Ashworth.

Lizzy Buchan10 January 2018 12:22

Corbyn also attacks private contracts and condemns Virgin Care, which provides care in Surrey.

Here's one of our recent stories on the saga:

Lizzy Buchan10 January 2018 12:25

Corbyn then finishes up with his social media rant, where he accuses the Government of steering a "sinking ship".

PM then attacks Shadow Education Secretary Angela Rayner for not attending PMQs - before being forced to apologise when she was told Rayner was having medical treatment.

She raises Ms Rayner's comment that Labour's economic strategy is "shit or bust".

Lizzy Buchan10 January 2018 12:27

SNP leader Ian Blackford is on his feet, calling for changes to the EU Withdrawal Bill to allow more devolution.

PM says changes have been proposed but Blackford says her response is "not good enough". Demands a "powers bonanza" for Scotland. 

Lizzy Buchan10 January 2018 12:28

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