Coronavirus: Global Athlete joins calls to postpone 2020 Olympics

IOC insists it is ‘fully committed’ to the Games going ahead as planned despite the Covid-19 outbreak

Sunday 22 March 2020 12:18 GMT
Coronavirus: What events have been cancelled?

Global Athlete has added its voice to those calling for the Tokyo Olympics to be postponed this summer due to the coronavirus outbreak.

The IOC sparked controversy earlier this week by insisting it remains “fully committed” to the planned start date of July 24 despite the pandemic having brought sporting events around the globe to a standstill in the past couple of weeks.

Athletes from several sports have criticised the IOC’s advice that they continue to prepare for the Games “as best they can” given the huge disruption already caused.

Now Global Athlete, an athlete-led movement, has joined the likes of US Track and Field and the Spanish Football Federation in saying the Games should be delayed.

A statement said: “Athletes want to be part of a solution to ensure the Games are a success but under the current global restrictions that are limiting public gatherings as well as closing training facilities and borders, athletes do not have the ability to appropriately prepare for these Games and their health and safety must come first.

“Sport has a duty of care to protect their athletes. Public health must be a priority over sporting event.

“By asking (athletes) to carry on as normal and continue to train for these Games clearly puts their physical and mental health at risk.

“We all recognise the Games provided a unique ability to bring together countries and unite a divided world. That is why waiting is so important.

“With meaningful collective athlete engagement, a future Games could act as a celebration showcasing that we all did our part in overcoming the Covid-19 pandemic.”

Japan insists plans for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics are going ahead as planned
Japan insists plans for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics are going ahead as planned (AP)

The statement further called on broadcasters and sponsors to show “flexibility and understanding” in allowing the Games to be staged safely.

On Saturday, US Track and Field sent an email calling for the US Olympic and Paralympic Committee to make representations about delaying the Games as the “right and responsible thing to do” in the circumstances.

USA Swimming, meanwhile, had already asked the USOPC to push for a one-year postponement as the impact of the lockdown began to hit home.

USATF chief executive Max Siegel wrote: “The right and responsible thing to do is prioritise everyone’s health and safety, and appropriately recognise the toll this difficult situation has, and continues to take, on our athletes and their Olympic Games preparations.”


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