After 27 years, Wales wins Grand Slam

David Randall
Sunday 20 March 2005 01:00 GMT

Wales has ended 27 years of heartfelt national yearning by defeating Ireland 32-20 at Cardiff's Millennium Stadium to win rugby's Grand Slam for the first time since 1978.

Wales has ended 27 years of heartfelt national yearning by defeating Ireland 32-20 at Cardiff's Millennium Stadium to win rugby's Grand Slam for the first time since 1978.

It was a display of superiority so confident that victory was, from the opening try, never much less than assured in the mind of even the most doubting Thomas. And, lest any neutral sports fan need reminding of the nationality of the game's new champions, most of the points yesterday were scored by men called Jenkins, Jones and Morgan.

The exception to this was Gavin Henson, star of the side, wearer of silver-coloured boots, sporter of the famously moussed hair, and new companion of Charlotte Church. Even before yesterday the couple were being hailed as the new Posh and Becks. Now the tabloid discovery of the people's prince and princess of Wales will be unstoppable.

After nearly three decades, more than 100 matches of frustration, and 80 minutes of tension, Welsh rugby has finally been restored to what its followers believe is its rightful place. The last time Wales won the Grand Slam, the personal computer had not been launched, the internet was unknown, David Beckham was in playgroup and Lady Diana Spencer was still a schoolgirl.

Last night, almost the entire Welsh people, plus assorted come-latelies, were high on emotion and celebratory liquids. Long gone are the days of chapel and teetotallers, and gone now are the days of defeat. This is the new Wales.

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