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England vs Italy LIVE rugby: Six Nations 2023 result and reaction to first win of Steve Borthwick era

Steve Borthwick’s side outclassed the Azzurri to earn their first win of the new era at Twickenham

Harry Latham-Coyle
Sunday 12 February 2023 19:09 GMT
Six Nations week one round-up: England struggle as Ireland make statement

England delivered a performance of ruthless efficiency and forward power to overwhelm Italy 31-14 on Sunday for a five-try bonus-point victory that got their Six Nations campaign back on track after last week’s defeat by Scotland.

The hosts might not have matched the sparkling rugby seen in Saturday’s two matches but Italy could not live with their pack strength, particularly a seemingly unstoppable rolling maul, following coach Steve Borthwick’s promise to get back to basics.

Having won only one of their last six games at Twickenham, the home fans were not about to start complaining about style, though Borthwick’s decision to mix up his midfield looked a good one as man of the match Ollie Lawrence brought much-needed pace and intensity to the inside centre channel.

First-half tries for Jack Willis, Ollie Chessum and Jamie George put England 19-0 up at halftime. A penalty try earned the bonus point and though Italy crossed twice in a more evenly-balanced second half, England finished strongly with a crowd-pleasing finish by exciting replacement winger Henry Arundell.

Their 30th win in 30 meetings with Italy continued England’s stranglehold on the fixture and maintained their position as the only team never to have lost to the Italians since they joined the competition in 2000.


England 7-0 Italy, 23 minutes

Eesh! England are using Ollie Lawrence early and often from a variety of alignments, lurking beyond two would-be carriers here to ask a different question of the Italian defence. He and Lorenzo Cannone meet in a muscular manner, the Italian’s challenge just about legal.

England eventually kick possession away and then make a tackle in the air.

Harry Latham-Coyle12 February 2023 15:25

England 7-0 Italy, 21 minutes

Marco Riccioni is still battling to get his body height right - James Doleman pings the tighthead for a second time. Too long in the set up, and England can clear to touch from the penalty.

Harry Latham-Coyle12 February 2023 15:24

England 7-0 Italy, 20 minutes

Excellent defence from England. Italy are unhappy that James Doleman never calls a maul, but Danilo Fischetti never got a knee to floor as Jack Willis and Alex Dombrandt’s constricting limbs combine to hold the loosehead up. Down Fischetti eventually comes, and England will have the feed with the ball unplayable.

Harry Latham-Coyle12 February 2023 15:23

England 7-0 Italy, 19 minutes

Stout initial maul defence from England, stalling Italy and forcing the visitors’ forwards down in a clump. But Italy reload and their burly-men start to make dents.

Harry Latham-Coyle12 February 2023 15:22

England 7-0 Italy, 18 minutes

Tommaso Allan finds touch on the England 22.

Giacomo Nicotera throws to the tail, where Sebastian Negri claims nicely. He’s contacted in the air by English arms, too - penalty advantage for Italy to work with.

Stephen Varney loops out of the back of the forwards and Ange Capuozzo bursts through a gap! An effortless injection of pace from the full back, just about snared by the shoelaces.

Italy knock on, but have the penalty to return to - and like England, they fancy a go with the driving lineout rather than taking three points.

Harry Latham-Coyle12 February 2023 15:21

England 7-0 Italy, 17 minutes

Italy are leader-less for the moment - Michele Lamaro has gone down again, with a wobbly left leg a real concern. The physios will strap him up, and Lamaro will try to continue, but his movement during the last passage was not at all smooth. Italy do have two back rowers among their six forwards on the bench, but can’t really afford to lose their captain.

Harry Latham-Coyle12 February 2023 15:19

England 7-0 Italy, 16 minutes

Italy struggle to get anything going, short of a man as their captain limps uncomfortably back towards them. Eventually, Tommaso Allan is forced to kick, with Freddie Steward taking, clearing and chasing.

Ange Capuozzo wriggles away from his opposite number, and a good carry on the righ earns Italy an advantage for Jack van Poortvliet’s failure to vacate a ruck. A knock on means the visitors will be forced to come back for it.

Harry Latham-Coyle12 February 2023 15:17

England 7-0 Italy, 15 minutes

Exiting from restarts has been a persistent problem throughout this Six Nations weekend - England do an okay job here, though Henry Slade might have liked more distance on his left-footed punt for touch.

A worry for Italy. Michele Lamaro carries hard but stays down for an extended period as his side work through more phases near halfway. Two physios are quickly to the Italian captain.

Harry Latham-Coyle12 February 2023 15:16

TRY! ENGLAND 7-0 Italy (Jack Willis try, 13 minutes)

A meaty maul and Jack Willis profits!

A horror injury in this fixture two years ago, and this means plenty to the openside, a great emotional release as he celebrates, roaring and punching the air.

His job was simple, riding England’s impressive chariot to the line and flopping down as he spotted the white line. England are up and rumbling, with Owen Farrell’s conversion from left of centre making it a seven-pointer.

Harry Latham-Coyle12 February 2023 15:13

England 0-0 Italy, 12 minutes

Italy contest hard at the breakdown, but illegally so - Luca Morisi’s hands were on the floor first as he tried to jackal.

England...opt for the corner!

Harry Latham-Coyle12 February 2023 15:12

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