6 sites you need to know for internship opportunities


Sarah Boast
Thursday 12 March 2015 17:23 GMT
There are now around 100,000 internship opportunities a year, most in London and many unpaid
There are now around 100,000 internship opportunities a year, most in London and many unpaid (Flickr/Juhansonin)

If you want to get ahead in your studies and further your CV before leaving university then internships are the thing for you. Work placements are invaluable and will help you gain relevant experience in your field, build a great contact list and could potentially lead to employment when you graduate. So here’s our top list of sites to help you get your foot on the career ladder of your choice.

Top of the list is of course the UK’s most widely used student and graduate job website, Milkround. Here you’ll find hundreds of internships, placements, schemes and graduate jobs. The information offered is easily digestible and is the best site for salary guides, career event listings and general job opportunities. There’s currently over 600 live jobs on the site, so get applying now!

TARGET Jobs is really easy to use and lists the number of work experience opportunities available in each specific sector. The professional specific-tips page teaches ways to build the skills employers love in both formal and informal settings. You can also scan the top graduate employers so that you’ll be guaranteed a space.

For summer internships specifically, e4s is the place to go. It has opportunities for part time and holiday, gap year, entry level and graduate schemes. Helping you to find, win and progress through your career is at the heart of this company.

If you want to get experience abroad then Prospects can help. Potential internships vary greatly from social care to business consultation and everything in between. You’re guaranteed to find the one that’s right for you. Some of their courses are accredited too, which will look great on your CV.

Studentjob focuses on internships for people who aren’t at university. With tuition fees at an all time high, this site offers the experience you need so that you don’t have to go to university.

Registering with this site will make life easier for you as they send you the latest internship opportunities directly to your email. Then, all you need to do is apply within 10 days.

Ratemyplacement gives you all the information you need regarding internships, how to get them, who to contact and even how to build contacts. If it’s tips for interviews, career success or general career advice you’re after, this is the website for you. It doesn’t list opportunities but gives you all the background tips you need before you start applying.

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