Last-minute flights

Friday 22 October 1993 23:02 BST

Airline Ticket Network (0800 727747): During November, Manchester or Heathrow to Boston with American Airlines, pounds 232; from 1 November to 15 December, Heathrow to New York with Icelandair, pounds 196.

Jetlife (0322 614801): 27 October Gatwick to Barbados, 14 nights, pounds 345.

The Travel Bug (061 721 4000): Until 9 December, Heathrow to New York with Air India, pounds 202; during November, Manchester or Heathrow to Hong Kong with Emirates Airlines, pounds 481; until 15 December, Heathrow, Manchester, Edinburgh, Glasgow or Bristol to Nairobi with Air France, pounds 331.

Travelbag (0420 88724): During November, round-the-world fare pounds 774: Gatwick to Los Angeles, Honolulu, Fiji, Sydney, Brisbane, Singapore to Heathrow.

Travel Warehouse (071-414 8808): Until end October, Heathrow to New York with Virgin Atlantic, pounds 189.

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