Treatment of Liverpool fans in Paris shows lessons have not been learnt

Editorial: The absence of injuries does not excuse another woeful failure by Europe’s football governing body, or the overreaction of the French police

Sunday 29 May 2022 21:30 BST
Liverpool FC have rightly asked for a formal investigation
Liverpool FC have rightly asked for a formal investigation (PA)

What they hoped would be a night of celebration turned into a double disaster for many Liverpool fans attending the Champions League final in Paris. On the pitch, the heroics of Real Madrid’s goalkeeper denied the English team a third trophy. After a remarkable season, winning the two domestic cup competitions will feel like a disappointment.

Unfortunately, Saturday’s match at the Stade de Paris will be remembered by many for another reason. Shambolic security arrangements meant that thousands of Liverpool supporters faced long delays as they tried to get into the ground.

Many became victims of overzealous policing, which saw the use of teargas, pepper spray and riot shields against innocent fans waiting patiently to gain entry. Although French police are well practised at responding to violence in a country with a long history of protest, it was patently obvious that they were dealing with a group of people who were not determined to cause trouble, but merely fans who wanted to watch a football match.

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