It’s official: women are better drivers – and I want that advertised on motorways

Men: just get over it – your sex contains more aggressive drivers, more speeders, more wilful lane-changers than mine!

Janet Street-Porter
Friday 21 September 2018 15:11 BST
Why aren't women paying six times less for their insurance then?
Why aren't women paying six times less for their insurance then? (Rex Features)

Men are six times more likely than women to be banned from driving, according to the Driver and Vehicle Licensing agency. I’d like that fact stencilled on the side of every white van, every car with a spoiler and every car with oversized exhausts. In fact, I’d like it to flash up regularly on the overhead information signs on motorways, as a constant reminder to all road users.

Male drivers seem to regard the presence of my unassuming (but highly reliable and perky) Fiat Panda as something to be put in its place in the macho world of Clarkson-style road domination. On motorways, oafs routinely tailgate, flashing their headlights and forcing me to let them pass, even though there’s a continuous line of cars directly in front.

Men: just get over it – your sex contains more aggressive drivers, more speeders, more wilful lane-changers than mine!

Of course, some women drive badly, some women drive after drinking, and some women hog the centre lane annoyingly. But the number guilty of these crimes is considerably less than the number of men.

Men are 23 times more likely to be disqualified for dangerous driving than women and over four times more likely to be disqualified for drink-driving. Most men are disqualified at the age of 26, so clearly they need to pay more to drive – why aren’t women with clean licenses paying insurance that’s six times less? Just asking.

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