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Who is America? LIVE: Roy Moore fails a 'paedophile detector test' on Sacha Baron Cohen show

Watch along with us Sacha Baron Cohen ridicules Americans liberal and conservative

Christopher Hooton
Monday 30 July 2018 05:28 BST
Who is America: Sacha Baron Cohen uses the 'paedophile detector' on Roy Moore

Tonight Showtime airs the third episode of Who Is America?, a show that might be Sacha Baron Cohen’s most audacious project yet.

We’ve already seen former Dick Cheney, Bernie Sanders and Dana Rohrabacher be fooled by the comedian, and we know Sarah Palin and Roy Moore are still to come – will tonight be their turn for humiliation?

So far we’ve seen the characters Billy Wayne Ruddick Jr., PhD, Dr. Nira Cain-N’Degeocello, Rick Sherman, Erran Morad and Gio Monaldo get people to publicly back absurd initiatives, and episode 3 very possibly might introduce a new absurdist caricature.

Episode 2 was stronger and sharper than one, climaxing with a hilarious scene in which the residents of Trump-voting small town were informed by Dr. Nira that the millions of dollars worth of investment in their town would come in the form of America’s largest Mosque.

Can Baron Cohen top this stunt? Watch along with me below as I give my thoughts on the episode and fill you in on all the notable people who unwittingly participate.

Please allow a moment for the live blog to load:

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Thanks for joining me tonight folks. Will post my review of the episode here shortly once it's live.

Christopher Hooton30 July 2018 03:58
Christopher Hooton30 July 2018 05:19

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