Most right-swiped jobs on dating apps revealed in new study

Olivia Petter
Wednesday 18 April 2018 11:10 BST
(Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Can your job really help you find love?

The obvious answer would be no: a loveable person is usually loveable regardless of whether they organise spreadsheets or paint nails for a living.

However, if you’re looking for love on dating apps - where your name, age and profession might be all the info available to potential suitors - your career can play a pretty big part in your propensity to be right-swiped.

So, when it comes to jobs, which are the fairest of them all?

According to Badoo, the dating app that boasts more than 380 million users worldwide, the most attractive jobs for men and women are chef and hairdresser, respectively - could it be that everyone's just looking for someone who's good with their hands?

The study was conducted by collecting data from 5,000 British Badoo users between the ages of 18 and 30.

For men, after chef it transpired that engineer, entrepreneur, marketing and artist were the most right-swipeable careers.

(Badoo (Badoo)

Interestingly, entrepreneur also featured on the women’s list in fourth place, while nurse came in second place, followed by lawyer in third and teacher in fifth place.

However, the findings should obviously be considered with a pinch of salt, as similar studies conducted by other online dating services have cited different jobs as the most appealing to its users.

For example, a recent study by Tinder claimed the most right-swiped job for men was pilot. However, this was followed by entrepreneur - implying that there really must be something attractive about being your own boss.

Entrepreneur also came third on Tinder’s women’s list, which was topped by physical therapist and interior designer.

Meanwhile, a recent study conducted by found that the most attractive job for its male members was doctor whereas for women, it was freelancer.

Confused? Welcome to the world of modern dating.

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