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Trump news live - President says China should investigate the Bidens after accusing Greta Thunberg of being ‘an actress’

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Chris Riotta
New York
,Clark Mindock,Joe Sommerlad
Thursday 03 October 2019 17:27 BST
Donald Trump says he wants both Ukraine and China to investigate Joe Biden and his son

Donald Trump has told reporters at the White House he believes China should investigate Joe Biden and his son Hunter for corruption, speaking in blithe defiance of the impeachment inquiry already underway after he asked Ukraine for the same thing on his now-notorious 25 July call with Volodymyr Zelensky.

The president is now jetting out to Florida after a morning on which he attacked teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg, clearly still angry after exploding at the White House press corps on Wednesday evening, where he threatened “a lot of litigation against a lot of people”, call Biden Sr “stone-cold crooked” and accused House speaker Nancy Pelosi of handing out subpoenas “like cookies”.

Continuing to spend much of his time raging on Twitter against the “do nothing Democrats”, apparently without stopping to consider the irony, Mr Trump also posted a bizarre video hitting out at the Bidens featuring the Canadian soft rock band Nickelback, which was swiftly taken down by the social media giant for copyright infringement.

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Mike Pence has just spoken about the Ukraine scandal, attempting to divert the focus to Joe Biden and away from Donald Trump:

Chris Riotta3 October 2019 19:13

The Biden campaign says that Trump is having a meltdown over the impeachment and Ukraine scandal.

From the campaign manager:

"Now, with his administration in free-fall, Donald Trump is flailing and melting down on national television."

Clark Mindock3 October 2019 19:30

We've got another Giuliani tweet, this one with the Nickelback video that the president tweeted yesterday (and then was deleted)

Clark Mindock3 October 2019 20:00

No comment!

Clark Mindock3 October 2019 20:10

Not good news for the president heading into 2020:

Clark Mindock3 October 2019 20:30

Today's topic is...

Chris Riotta3 October 2019 20:30

The president seems to be having a bad day. His predecessor, on the other hand, seems to be enjoying himself right now:

Clark Mindock3 October 2019 20:50

Breaking: Kurt Volker, Donald Trump’s former special envoy to Ukraine, told Rudy Giuliani his claims of Joe Biden’s misconduct in the country were “not credible,” according to new reports. He appears to have told that statement during his testimonies on Capitol Hill today. Story to come.

Chris Riotta3 October 2019 20:58

Some quick Twitter analysis here on Rudy Giuliani's tweets:

Clark Mindock3 October 2019 21:10

On the positive side of the news wheel:

Clark Mindock3 October 2019 21:30

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