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Coronavirus travel news – live: Airports could shut down within weeks, as Foreign Office warns against leaving UK

Qin Xie
Tuesday 17 March 2020 10:13 GMT
How to feel less anxious about coronavirus

The number of confirmed cases of coronavirus has shot up by 13,903 in one day, according to the World Health Organisation, with 167,511 people around the world infected with Covid-19 as of 16 March.

As the deadly outbreak continues to spread, countries around the world are closing their borders and entering lockdown.

The FCO has extended its list of countries to avoid as new travel restrictions mean it's getting harder to get in and out of countries.

The Independent has compiled a list of the travel bans in place but for the latest, follow our coverage here...


Bulgaria has declared a State of Emergency, which will last until 13 April. British nationals are banned from entering the country from midnight 17 March.

The country is also closing all bars, restaurants and shops (except food shops and pharmacies). All of its ski resorts are now closed.

In response, the FCO has advised against all but essential travel to the country.

Qin Xie17 March 2020 11:56

UK airports “will shut down within weeks” unless the government steps in to help, according to a leading trade association.

The Airport Operators Association (AOA), the body that represents UK airports, is urging the government to support the aviation industry as the coronavirus pandemic increasingly shuts down international travel.

“Governments across the world are supporting their national aviation industries, as many parts of the global travel industry have come to a halt,” said AOA chief executive Karen Dee. 

Qin Xie17 March 2020 12:16

The FCO has added a number of African countries to its list of destinations that British nationals should avoid non-essential travel to.

The list includes South Africa, Kenya, Botswana among others. 

A list of countries with travel bans and restrictions is being kept up to date here: 

Qin Xie17 March 2020 12:42

The Australian government is now urging its citizens to return home and to "reconsider" the need for international travel at this time.

The Department of Foreign Affairs said: “Regardless of your destination, age or health if your overseas travel is not essential, consider carefully whether now is the right time.”

Australians returning to the country are currently having to self-isolate for 14 days. 

Qin Xie17 March 2020 12:52

The FCO has issued a COVID-19 Exceptional Travel Advisory Notice.

It said:

As countries respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, including travel and border restrictions, the FCO advises British nationals against all but essential international travel. Any country or area may restrict travel without notice.

Qin Xie17 March 2020 12:56

The FCO is advising British nationals to avoid non-essential travel for the next 30 days as border restrictions are being introduced at an unprecedented rate.

For those who now need to change or cancel their travel plans, the FCO advises to "contact your airline, travel company, cruise line or other transport and accommodation providers" in the first instance. You should also contact your travel insurance provider.

British nationals are also reminded to follow the NHS coronavirus guidance. 

Qin Xie17 March 2020 13:15

For those who are already abroad, the FCO's travel advice has changed. 

It said:  

You must follow the advice of local authorities. Your safety and security is the responsibility of the local authority where you are.

If you wish to leave the country you are in, contact your airline or travel company and your insurance provider as soon as you are able, and keep up to date with the latest developments. International travel may become more difficult. We only organise assisted departure in exceptional circumstances.

You should also sign up for travel alerts for the country you're in. 

Qin Xie17 March 2020 13:16

British Airways says that some pilots will face redundancy as a result of the calamitous slump in revenue caused by coronavirus.

While BA has not directly commented on staff cuts, the British Airline Pilots’ Association (Balpa) says the airline has told them “an unspecified number are facing potential redundancy as a result of the current Covid-19 crisis”.

Last week, BA’s chief executive, Alex Cruz, said that jobs will go and planes will be grounded during what he described as a “crisis of global proportions like no other we have known”.

Qin Xie17 March 2020 13:35

Ryanair Group Airlines (including Buzz and Lauda) announced today that it is unchecking in all customers booked onto flights departing Spain from 21 to 28 March and is advising them to apply for a free move to an alternative date via its online service.

It comes after the airline was forced to severely reduce flights to and from Spain and the Balearic and Canary Islands after the Spanish Government announced a “lock down” of the entire country to contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

helen.coffey17 March 2020 13:53

The World Travel & Tourism Council has written an open letter to governments around the world. It reads:

"Travel is the backbone of economies around the world. It brings in essential currency and inward investment, creates jobs and stimulates every sector. WTTC figures show travel and tourism contributes to 10.4 per cent of Global GDP and 320 million jobs. It is responsible of creating one in five new jobs and, for eight successive years, has outpaced the growth of the global economy.

"Without travel and tourism, economies around the world face an existential threat.

"To counter this, WTTC, which represents the global travel and tourism private sector, is calling upon governments of all countries to take immediate action to help ensure the survival of this critical job-creating sector. Not soon. Not in a few weeks. NOW. Any delay will be costed in millions of lost jobs and almost incalculable damage worldwide."

The WTTC is proposing three measures:

  • Financial help must be granted to protect the incomes of the millions of workers in the sector facing severe economic difficulties.

  • Governments must extend vital, unlimited interest-free loans to global Travel & Tourism companies as well as the millions of small and medium sized businesses as a stimulus to prevent them from collapse.

  • All government taxes, dues and financial demands on the travel sector need to be waived with immediate effect at least for the next 12 months.

helen.coffey17 March 2020 14:21

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