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A Family Affair: I got cramps when my twin was in labour

Lisa and Raechel Porritt, both 25, are identical twins born 20 minutes apart. They lived and worked together until last year, when Lisa moved from Orpington in Kent to north London. Lisa is a hairdresser and Raechel has a two-year-old son, Jaycob

Daisy Price
Sunday 23 May 1999 23:02 BST


Me and my sister are very close, but we hate each other as well. When we were at school we were always together; she was like my back up. I always knew I had someone with me so I was never nervous. We have always wanted the same things. If I had something and Raechel didn't, she'd get upset, and if she had something then I'd want it. I think that's why my mum still buys us the same things now. Up until we were about 13 years old, we always dressed the same. When we moved out of home we were both working together and some days we'd turn up for work in exactly the same clothes. It still happens now, sometimes.

A couple of years ago, I kept waking up feeling sick; I was continually throwing up. I thought I might have fallen pregnant even though I was on the Pill. One day Raechel came to me and said that she thought she was pregnant. I told her my fears and we both decided to get a pregnancy test. Raechel's test proved positive but mine was negative. I was relieved that I wasn't pregnant, but excited for her.

I can't remember her being sick at all during her pregnancy, but I was, and even got stomach cramps when she went into labour. While she was pregnant, my weight stayed much the same although I was eating a lot more than usual. I got lots of cravings for sweet things like chocolate fudge ice cream.

When Jaycob was born, I was overwhelmed. He felt like my baby more than just my nephew. I was really involved with helping out, but soon the novelty wore off and I was quite happy to let her get on with it. Raechel was getting lots of attention because of the baby and although I was very protective towards her, I was also a bit jealous. We've always had the same things, and I wanted a baby because she had one. I wasn't thinking realistically and came off the Pill for six months to try and get pregnant. Nothing happened, so I guess it wasn't meant to be. When I look back on it now I'm glad I didn't get pregnant; it would have been for the wrong reasons.

When Jaycob was about three months old, Raechel and I had a big argument. I felt as if she had forgotten me and we were drifting apart. I think I was being a bit selfish really; I wasn't opening my eyes to the pressure she was under raising a child. She thought that I wasn't interested in her or the baby.

Lots of people say we look very alike. Raechel's son Jaycob is a bit wary of me; he's cautious and can't work out who I am. When he looks at me and then at Raechel he gets confused. He calls me mummy sometimes, but when he realises who I am, he runs away. I'm sure our relationship will become easier when he starts to realise that we are different people. I think it will make us a lot closer.

It's only been in the last two years that our lives have really changed; she's had Jaycob and I've moved away. I still speak to her every day. Sometimes we call each other at mad times like four or five in the morning, and I try to see her as much as possible. We still bicker; she gets annoyed when I'm with my boyfriend all the time. She thinks I don't help her enough with the baby. To be honest, I haven't got the patience really. We've got different responsibilities now. She's got to look after Jaycob, but I have the responsibility of working.

Although I moved to be closer to my boyfriend, I also think it helped me gain my independence. It's been good for me to have my own life.


I love being a twin because we are the best of friends. Even when we both had boyfriends in the past, we still spent most of our time together. We went to the same school and the same college, and even when we moved out of home we still lived in the same street. Often we would dress the same without realising; Lisa would come home from staying at her boyfriend's and have on exactly the same clothes as me.

When I found out I was pregnant, things didn't change between us; we were still really close. During my pregnancy, my sister had really terrible backache. I had no backache, sickness, or anything.

We've always had these strange physical coincidences between us. Last Friday, Lisa was out with my mum and had been complaining to her about having a really bad headache. That same day I managed to knock myself out on the car door; I was picking up some keys which I'd dropped on the floor and, while I was bending down, the wind caused the car door to swing back on my head and give me a really good thump.

Sometimes I get these feelings in my head about Lisa; it's like deja vu. Sometimes she'll say something and it feels like I've been there before. But I think these feelings are quite normal between twins.

I moved back home when Jaycob was born, and soon after, Lisa also moved back. She was overjoyed when he was born. I think she got a little bit jealous because everyone was making a fuss of me. Lisa loves him and they get on really well together. Sometimes I think it's a bit confusing because we look so alike. At a party the other day he ran up to her and called her mum.

Recently she has moved to live over on the other side of London with her boyfriend, Joe. I don't really see her that often; we argue more now that she has gone away. She's got lots of different things to talk about. Sometimes our conversations are very short and sharp and we annoy each other. My mum thinks that I am jealous of Joe because Lisa does more for him now than she does for me and the baby, and she spends less time with me. Lisa hasn't got any responsibilities, so I do get annoyed and upset when she says she can't come over to visit us.

Lisa used to be really quiet. I think she has much more confidence now she's on her own and not with me all the time. Moving away has done her the world of good. She was always in my shadow before, and wouldn't dream of doing anything without me.

Even though our lives are completely different now, we are still twins and we think about each other all the time.

Interviews by

Daisy Price

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