An what's more . . .

Tuesday 22 March 1994 00:02 GMT

'There seems to be no shortage of people whose banality shines like uranium amid the Stygian gloom of ordinary, flawed, natural and therefore fascinating humanity' - John Sessions on TV presenters . . . Sarafina, BBC2's forthcoming musical drama about the black experience, will have a cinema release in the States . . .

The flop fate of Super Mario Brothers hasn't stopped Hollywood from attempting another video game-to-movie transfer: Streetfighter II starring Jean Claude Van Damme arrives next summer. . . 'I am not temperamentally suited to the south of Europe. I am too ordered for it and find the macho posturing ultimately distressing' - Stephen Fry . . . The truth test (1): Sir Robin Day will provide two pieces each for The Daily Telegraph, BBC Radio 1 and BBC1's Tomorrow's World this week. In one piece he will tell the truth and in the other lies. Readers, listeners and viewers will be asked to judge which version is bogus . . . The truth test (2): Romania's Supreme Court military tribunal has banned its officials giving news to journalists by telephone, the latest curb on media access . . . Microsoft Corp and McCaw Cellular Communications, two of America's wealthiest high-tech entrepreneurs, are joining to form Teledesic Corp, a dollars 9 billion system of 840 small satellites that will circle the globe . . . Paul Hogan's comedy-western comeback Lightning Jack, the first film in cinema history to raise its entire budget (dollars 23 million) by being publicly traded on the Australian and US stock exchanges, isn't faring well with either critics or audiences. . .

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