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Arabella Weir interview: 'In my head I resemble Bessie Bunter. I've heard she's a fat girl'

Weir is set to appear at the Young Adult Literature Convention at Olympia

Thursday 16 July 2015 14:54 BST
Weir says: 'People think if you're reading a book you wrote you know what's going to happen but that isn't true, well, not for me'
Weir says: 'People think if you're reading a book you wrote you know what's going to happen but that isn't true, well, not for me'

Where are you now and what can you see?

I am in my kitchen and I can see my messy garden and a whole pile of mess I am trying to ignore. I hate gardening but I also hate mess so, hmm, what to do?

What are you currently reading?

My latest book! I'm proof reading it. People think if you're reading a book you wrote you know what's going to happen but that isn't true, well, not for me, and now and again I find myself thinking ''ooh, that's quite good'' and then realising I probably shouldn't be thinking that.

Choose a favourite author and say why you admire her/him

Mindy Kaling. I guess she's not really an author per se but she writes like she performs, hysterically funny, bang-on stuff about men, relationships, work, self-image etc – and always from a seamlessly feminist point of view.

Describe the room where you usually write

It's a room in my house with purple walls and turquoise floors. It's a bit like a bar in a Jamaica seaside resort: the walls are covered in pictures of my kids, family and friends and posters and publicity stuff from shows I've been in. I think that's acceptable in my own office but entirely naff elsewhere in the house.

Which fictional character most resembles you?

In my head it'd be Bessie Bunter. I don't even know where she appears but I've heard she's a fat girl and I've always felt fat even when I wasn't, I suspect I always will.

Who is your hero/heroine from outside literature?

Mae West, a very funny, raunchy, daring, intelligent performer way ahead of her time.

Arabella Weir is appearing in conversation with Charlie Higson at the Young Adult Literature Convention at Olympia on Saturday

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