Alan Hiron
Saturday 17 October 1998 23:02 BST

TECHNIQUES for defending against possible squeezes can be found in the literature, but less has been written about the concept of persuading declarer that you have been squeezed when, in fact, you have not. This deal was an amusing example.

South opened One Diamond, North responded One Heart, and South's rebid of 1NT showed 15-17 points. North forced with Three Diamonds and, in spite of his minimum but encouraged by his good trumps and spade control, South co-operated, with the result that Six Diamonds was reached against which West led the queen of spades. It was not a bad contract, superficially depending on the heart suit playing for four tricks with some extra chances.

Declarer held off the opening lead, won the spade continuation, and ruffed a spade high in dummy. Then he cashed the ace of clubs (a Vienna Coup, catering for the possibility of either defender holding the guarded jack of hearts as well as the king and queen of clubs) and followed by running five rounds of trumps.

From West's point of view it seemed sure that declarer held the queen of hearts but not the jack (for then he'd have claimed). It was essential to try to persuade South that the jack of hearts was guarded. For his four discards on the trumps West chose the ten of spades, followed by the nine, ten, and king of clubs (carefully preserving the four of clubs and his three low hearts). Convinced that West had shed all his clubs in order to keep four hearts, declarer cashed the ace and queen of hearts, then finessed the ten - only to lose the last two tricks.

LOVE ALL: dealer South


] 8 6

_ A K 10 4

+ Q 9 8 6 3

[ A 5

West East

] Q J 10 5 ] K 9 4 3

_ 8 7 6 _ J 9 5

+ 5 + 7 2

[ K 10 9 4 2 [ Q 8 7 3


] A 7 2

_ Q 3 2

+ A K J 10 4

[ J 6

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