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Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Mark Hamill's second role revealed

But who is Dobbu Scay?

Jack Shepherd
Monday 18 December 2017 16:22 GMT

Star Wars: The Last Jedi has been playing in cinemas around the world for a full weekend, many fans having already seen the blockbuster multiple times, hunting for Easter Eggs and references.

One surprise has come about from an interview Mark Hamill who has been revealed to play two characters in the movie.

Hamill, as any Star Wars fan knows, foremost plays Luke Skywalker, the original trilogy’s main hero. Come Last Jedi, and Hamill has a second role; voicing Dobbu Scay.

Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, the actor remained coy about the alien, saying: I’m not telling. I like playing the mystery of it all.” However, Hamill confirmed the character appears during the Canto Bight casino scene.

“I said I’d love to do a CGI thing, and he said sure,” Hamill told the publication. “And I got to go to the set of the casino and see in detail 150 extras in jaw-dropping costumes.”

The name seems to be an anagram for editor Bob Duscay, created by the LucasFilm story group. Hamill thought the name originated somewhere else: “I thought [Rian Johnson] just shook up some Scrabble tiles and threw them on a table. ‘Let’s come up with a name goofier than Dooku!’”

Johnson, who directs the movie, has also confirmed another Easter Egg. The Last Jedi is in cinemas now.

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