Fantastic Four reboot is somehow worse than the Jessica Alba starring 2005 version

No-one thought it was possible to sink any lower

Jack Shepherd
Thursday 06 August 2015 16:18 BST

Things are not looking good for Josh Trank’s Fantastic Four movie. The reboot’s reviews embargo has been lifted, and while many thought it would be more or less impossible for it to be worse than the predecessors, it almost certainly is.

Let’s have a quick look at each one's Rotten Tomatoes scores. The much malingered 2005 movie that starred Jessica Alba and Chris Evans holds a rating of 27%, with the critics consensus reading: “Marred by goofy attempts at wit, subpar acting, and bland storytelling, Fantastic Four is a mediocre attempt to bring Marvel's oldest hero team to the big screen.” Ouch.

While that film didn’t do well with critics, or fans for that matter, it still grossed enough to spawn a sequel, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. Their second outing managed to rate higher, scoring 34% on the reviews website. Again though, the critics consensus is pretty abysmal: “A juvenile, simplistic picture that has little benefit beyond its special effects.”

Now, taking into consideration we’ve had some truly excellent superhero films in the meantime - Dark Knight Trilogy, Iron Man, Guardians of the Galaxy - you would think that teaming up an indie film maker with the studio that brought us X-Men, Fox, would lead to movie gold. Apparently not.

While there is yet to be a critics consensus, Fantastic Four currently holds a score of 8% on Rotten Tomatoes, with critics from Empire, Total Film, Forbes, Guardian, Hollywood Reporter and Variety all giving it a rotten score.

You can see why, just look at Doctor Doom in this clip, is he suppose to be Terminator from the eighties?

Even before the film screened, the actors had no faith in it, saying things like “big films like this will never score an 80 or 90 on RT”. He was right about the Fantastic Four, to be fair.

With all these bad reviews, fans are now jumping on the idea that Marvel Studios may be able to buy back the rights to the superhero family, much like how they bought Spider-Man off of Sony. Perhaps another re-reboot then? Or maybe people will learn these four don't look so fantastic on the big screen.

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