Monitor: Opinion on Saddam Hussein's climbdown and the West's cancellation of air strikes

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Tuesday 17 November 1998 00:02 GMT

WHILE IRAQ vacillates, then the sanctions issue will continue to drag on and sanctions will still apply. Even now, Iraq's letter allowing the UN to return is causing concern. An annexe to it appears to state unacceptable conditions. It is not a matter of semantics, it is a matter of life and death. Iraq has shown itself in the past to be difficult to deal with, but if it wants an end to the whole business, then it should let the UN finish the job. Once normality is restored, Arab nations will be eager to step in and assist Iraq rejoin the Arab fold.

The Gulf Times,

United Arab Emirates

SADDAM HUSSEIN seems determined to hold on to his weapons capability whatever the cost, which is why Clinton on Sunday again bluntly called for a new government in Baghdad if normal life in Iraq is again to be made possible. With Saddam Hussein's grisly talent for eliminating all real and suspected opponents, there's no great expectation that such a thing might soon come to pass.

Los Angeles Times, US

THERE IS a vast contrast between a hungry and exhausted people and the funerals of children and between the manifestations of ostentatiousness and self-confidence with which Hussein appears before his people and the world. He chooses to project such an image in order to convey a clear and unambiguous message: that the sanctions have not touched him.

Al Ayam, Bahrain

IRAQ HAS no choice but co-operation. America and Britain should not change the inspections by adding a new political dimension. By announcing that they reserve the right to carry out military action without consulting the Unscom, they have made their break with the UN. Iraq must do everything it can to stay within it.

Jordan Times

IF IRAQ co-operates, the US must be prepared for an easing of sanctions. But for as long as Hussein remains in power, a system to monitor weapon activities will have to be maintained, under threat of force.

New York Times, US

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