You ask the questions;

(Such as: Sophie Dahl, do you feel pressure not to slim now that you are renowned as a `larger' model?)

Tuesday 08 September 1998 23:02 BST

The model Sophie Dahl, 20, is the daughter of the writer Tessa Dahl and grand-daughter of the children's writer Roald Dahl. Her looks have been heralded by fashion pundits as a "revolutionary" departure from the waif look, and much has been made of her "voluptuous" measurements - she is size 14, with a 38DD bust.

Currently on the books of the model agency Storm, Sophie has been modelling for 18 months, appearing in a string of fashion magazines including Elle, Vanity Fair and Italian Vogue

Do you ever feel exploited working in the fashion industry?

Anita, Brighton

I have on occasion, when I've been asked to do things I didn't want to do. However, I think there's a degree of exploitation in most jobs.

Which model do you rate as the most classically beautiful?

Joanne Odell, Essex

Christy Turlington.

What was your worst backstage moment?

Roger, Putney

I got pretty drunk backstage in Paris two years ago. I had quite a bit of difficulty manoeuvring down the catwalk in 4-in stilettos. Needless to say I was not asked to do that particular show again.

Do you ever have problems finding clothes to fit?

Sue Oliver, Camden


Do you exercise? If so, what do you do and where?

Emily, Nuneaton

I work out with a trainer three times a week.

After seeing so many waifs in magazines, do you think you have made a difference to how we view the "ideal" woman?

J Sinclair, Manchester

Perhaps. I still don't know what the "ideal" woman is. Waifs will always be in demand because it's a lot easier to design for straight up and down rather than round curves. This is the reality, unfortunately.

Did you feel comfortable posing naked for Nick Knight? What did you think when you saw the photo? What did your mother think?

Julia McEwen, Cornwall

Worryingly comfortable. Nick is the ultimate professional and hugely nice. I was alarmed when I saw the picture because I couldn't believe my thighs were that big. I don't think that they are, actually. My mother was HORRIFIED.

Do you believe in marriage?

Debbie Penrose, Hants

Yes. But only for love.

Who is your ideal man?

Chris and Tony, Liverpool

Somebody who makes me roar with laughter, who thinks I'm ravishing with lank hair and spots - and who'll send me glorious flowers. NEVER red roses. Basically, no one I know, deeply regrettably.

Where do you buy your clothes?

Nadine, Oxford

Joseph, Portobello Market

Who are your favourite fashion designers?

Nadine, Oxford

Alexander McQueen, Bella Freud.

How old were you when you first kissed a boy? Where was it?

Jules Oldham, Lancaster

I was 13 years old. It was in someone's driveway in Highgate. His name was Arthur and I still know him. It was thrilling but very cold, as it was December and I was wearing hot pants and a vest.

What memories do you have of your grandfather? Have you read any of his books - and if so, which ones are your favourites?

Paula, Wirral

I miss him terribly. He was extraordinary. We used to talk about books a lot. I made him laugh. My favourite book by him is My Uncle Oswald.

What was your waking thought?

Sheena, Taunton

I woke up wanting to kill someone who had been outrageously rude about me. Then I thought about the person I have a crush on.

Do you feel pressure to stay at your current weight and not slim, owing to being renowned as a "larger" model?

Tim Topple

There's no pressure on me to be a particular weight. But I loathe being renowned as a "larger" model. It makes me cringe. I should be allowed to be voluptuous or scrawny of my own volition, without people going on about it. It can be rather boring.

This coming Saturday you can have a free meal at the restaurant of your choice. Which would it be?

PS My diary can be rejigged to free the aforementioned time slot.

Patrick Smith, Newcastle upon Tyne

Nobu at the Metropolitan. I love sushi.

What is your favourite dessert?

Nadine Kay, Folkestone

Rice pudding.

What was the last film you went to see? Ditto the last pop group.

Sara Peters, Nottingham

I went on a date to see Armageddon in New York. The film was dreadful and the date not much better. I saw the Beastie Boys at Brixton Academy and they ROCKED.

How did you break into modelling? Is it something you always wanted to do?

Danni Fielding, Bristol

I wanted to be a writer. I was spotted on the street by Isabella Blow, smoking a fag and crying after having a huge fight with my mother. She said, "Let me make you into a supermodel" and I said, "All right then".

How do you feel when you see everyone backstage wandering around in G-strings?

Penny Fox, Hereford


Do you agree with the 18-year-old model Sarah Thomas's criticisms of the modelling world?

Pandora, Shepperton

I'd imagine that she's probably right - most criticisms of the modelling world are just.

What do you do to while away the hours between photo-shoots or fashion shows?

Lisa Stevenson, Kings Lynn

Smoke. A LOT. Read a great deal, and drink endless cups of tea.

Are you reading anything good at the moment? Who is your favourite author?

Will North, Sheffield

I have just read a book called Lila Says which was very sexy. My favourite writer is called Susanna Moore and she is quite brilliant.

What do you see yourself doing five years from now?

Chrissie Hagan, Norwich

Hopefully, happy and enormously rich: married to someone celestial, barefoot and pregnant, making pasta in a crumbling palazzo in southern Italy, surrounded by my friends.

Next Week:

Bob Geldof

Please send any questions you would like to put to Bob Geldof, pop star, TV mogul and DJ, to: You Ask The Questions, Features dept, The Independent, 1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5DL; by fax on 0171-293 2182; or e-mail them to: your questions@ by lunch time on Friday, 11 September

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