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Taiwan passes new law on breastfeeding in public

Wednesday 10 November 2010 01:00 GMT

Taiwan on Tuesday adopted a law allowing women to breastfeed in public with hefty fines for anyone who tries to stop them, after five mothers were forced to leave a museum for nursing their babies.

Under the new rule, anyone attempting to prevent breastfeeding in public will face a fine of up to 30,000 Taiwan dollars (990 US dollars), according to the Department of Health.

A musem in Taipei sparked public outcry when it asked five women to leave after they were found openly nursing their babies.

The fine will apply to government buildings, department stores, airports, train and metro stations which fail to set up nursing rooms, the department said in a statement.

"We urge the public to show more respect for nursing mothers, to support and create a friendly environment for breastfeeding," the statement said.


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