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Questionnaire: Are you culturally compatible?

Phillip Hodson
Tuesday 23 September 2008 00:00 BST
(Getty Images)

The single most important rule governing relationship success is the Law of Similarity. Contrary to popular folk wisdom, opposites do NOT attract as much as "similars". The more similar you are to your partner the more compatible you are, and the better your chances of a healthy, happy, long-term relationship. This rule applies even at the most basic level of physical attributes such as finger length, right up to the level of social and cultural attributes. In this quiz we'll look at some of the most important dimensions of compatibility: those involving your beliefs, values and interests. Pick your answers to each question, ask your partner to do the same, apply the scoring grid (below) and then compare notes.

1. Where would you like to settle in the long run:

a. In the same town (city/village) where I currently live

b. In a different town but in the same area (e.g. moving out of the city to the suburbs)

c. In a different part of the country

d. In a different country

2. What is the best way for the Government to deal with social breakdown:

a. This isn't a Government issue, it's up to individuals and families to sort themselves out

b. Bring in tougher laws and build bigger prisons

c. Tax breaks to support families together with extra funding for grassroots and local community organisations

d. Tax the rich to get more money to spend on nationwide social investment programmes

3. Which of these statements best describes your religious beliefs:

a. I don't have any

b. I'm agnostic but I think religion is generally a good thing?

c. I believe in God (or Spirit) but I don't regularly go to church/ temple/ mosque

d. I regularly attend services.

4. You're at the gallery with your partner. Which artwork most upsets you:

a. A soiled piece of tissue labelled "Considerations of temporality in the eyes of The Creator Number 3"

b. A giraffe in formaldehyde wearing long johns?

c. An oil painting of a rickshaw fording a stream while an angling urchin observes

d. A photograph of a nude male pleasuring himself?

5. What's your most productive time of the day:

a. Early morning, the sun is coming up, the air is fresh and so is my mind

b. Mid-morning, when the caffeine has kicked in and my brain is in gear

c. Early evening, when post-prandial doziness has worn off and I'm firing on all cylinders

d. Late at night. I've got time to think and nobody interrupts me

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