Bomb shakes Ulster village

Sunday 12 January 1997 00:02 GMT

A bomb exploded without warning outside a village police station in Ulster last night. The station in Tempo, Co Fermanagh, was unmanned at the time and there were no reports of injuries. Police said a van by the station burst into flames, but were unsure whether it had contained a bomb or been used to launch some sort of device. The blast came hours after it was confirmed that SDLP leader John Hume and Sinn Fein's Gerry Adams had held more talks on the peace process.

n A Belfast man has been remanded on a charge of conspiring to murder members of the security forces in an IRA rocket attack outside the city's Royal Courts of Justice. The solicitor acting for 27-year-old Brendan Hugh McIlvenny said his client would plead not guilty.

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