Affordable Art Fair


Iwona Karbowska
Friday 24 October 2014 12:21 BST

Brits prove that the art world is now more accessible and affordable than ever before as a record 3,500 people have attended the opening night of the 15th Anniversary of the Affordable Art Fair at Battersea Park in London.

To celebrate the anniversary, the Affordable Art Fair has commissioned a special 'high-speed' performance, 'The Complete History of Art (abridged)' by the Reduced Shakespeare Company. This year's art also includes names such as Damien Hirst and Marc Quinn.

This comes as research by the Affordable Art Fair reveals that 61 % of Brits wish they knew more about art - citing a lack of time as one of the key reasons they don’t. In fact, 71 % of people who recently studied art at school said it was their most enjoyable subject.

Brits' appetite for art is on the rise with art graduates having their best night on record at the Recent Graduates exhibition with more work sold than ever before.

The Affordable Art Fair started out in 1999 with a modest 90 galleries, and today the fairs around the world showcase work from over 1,000 galleries. In the last 15 years there have been more than 100 fairs in 11 countries, providing visitors with a welcoming atmosphere and an accessible space to discover unique and original pieces of art in a fun and lively environment.

Art lovers, art connoisseurs, and art novices alike are invited to Affordable Art Fair Battersea (23 – 26 October) to discover an array of unique and stunning art all priced affordably between £100 - £5,000.

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