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#2014In5Words: Thousands tweet reflections as hashtag goes global

Almost 60,000 social media users took to Twitter - mostly to gush about One Direction

Rose Troup Buchanan
Friday 19 December 2014 12:17 GMT
(Getty Images)

Thousands of social media users took to Twitter to describe their experiences of 2014.

The majority of the 60,000 Twitter users posting under the hashtag #2014In5Words are concerned with personal life events - but the hashtag has also been latched on to by One Direction fans.

Other big concerns and reflections among social media users include weight loss or gain and declarations of celebrity love.

Finally, global events do get a look in. Many users tweet about 2014 being the year for feminism but others also mention Black Friday, Robin William’s sad death, racial tensions in the US, the Sony hacking debacle and the disappearance of MH17.

Here are some from the hashtag:

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