From My Window: I can just about see his house: Jenny Seagrove tells Nicholas Roe about her Kensington view

Nicholas Roe
Friday 10 July 1992 23:02 BST

THIS is the view from my home, not Michael's. (The film director Michael Winner is her partner.) There is a difference, believe me, a big difference - the view is different, so is the size of the view, so is the quality.

Well, this is an apartment and my own and therefore it tends to be fairly chaotic; Michael's, however, is very well organised. In fact, if I lean out of my window I can just about see his house . . .

It's not a separate existence, but this is where I work, this is . . . you know, it's a psychological thing. It gives him space, it gives me space. The fact that we choose to be together most of the time is something else, but it gives you that alternative. We're lucky, we can afford it - some people don't have enough room for the family, never mind for themselves.

This is a mini-metropolis, as it were, a tiny back street in Kensington with a few shops in it, and this is my sitting room. I'm usually either in the middle of trying to write something or read something and because my attention span is fairly twitchy - I mean sometimes I go for hours just sitting reading and sometimes it takes me 10 minutes and I've got to stand up and walk about a bit - I'll often come and look out of this window because there's always something interesting going on.

Or if I'm waiting for a friend or a delivery, this is where you see the street. People can never find my place - because it's kind of a strange address and they can't find the little cul-de-sac for a start.

I did once have a delivery that ended up in the opposite direction in a street sort of round the corner. Eventually the delivery firm admitted its driver hadn't been able to find my place, thought he'd found it and pushed the parcel through a blue front door in this other street. So I tracked it down - little Sherlock Holmes here. It was very important, it was a script sent over from Los Angeles. I had to go and say, excuse me they've delivered it to you . . .

Well, actually, they were out so I poked through the letter-box and, thank God, got my hand through and got my script back out of their front door. Very naughty of me.

No, I didn't take the part, actually. I was offered it, but I didn't accept it after all that. Bit of an anticlimax really, isn't it? You can change it if you want, say yes, she got the part . . .

There's a nice garden right in front of me over the road. I don't know them, but they have a chauffeur-handyman, a labrador and some children - a very well-organised house.

Sometimes it's nice to see the same people going up and down the street here, you recognise individuals, various people at various times going by. I love being part of a community. I love going into a shop and they know me.

I'm also interested in people's lives and people's behaviour. I suppose it's part of being an actor: you are interested in how people treat each other, watching people is what it's all about. We're basically fascinated by human behaviour and like to express it. I come away from here refreshed.

Jenny Seagrove is an actress. She is currently appearing in Melvyn Bragg's 'King Lear In New York' at the Chichester Festival Theatre.

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