Football: Gills act after fan is killed

Sunday 29 March 1998 23:02 BST

THE Gillingham chairman, Paul Scally, has pledged to carry out a review of safety procedures at the club, following the death of a 24- year-old supporter after the Second Division game with Fulham.

Three men were being questioned yesterday by police investigating the incident inwhich Matthew Fox, a Fulham fan, died from head injuries. About 40 rival supporters clashed outside the Priestfield ground after Saturday's 2-0 win for the home side, which was watched by a crowd of 10,500. Fans said there had been a history of "bad blood" between the two sets of supporters.

Scally, an FA council member and director of the Football League, described the death as "a terrible tragedy" but he was satisfied with the stewarding and policing inside the ground. "The Football Licensing Authority were there as was the safety officer of the Football Association and both commended us on the manner in which we handled the game internally," he said.

"I can't comment on what occurred outside the ground but everyone is obviously distressed that such a tragic accident could have taken place. There were fortunately a number of witnesses and there is significant footage from closed circuit TV.

"Our safety committee will be meeting at the first opportunity to look at our procedures and make sure they are adequate.

"We will continue to try to attract people to watch, but there will always be a very small element that come to football with other intentions."

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