Cycling: Scottish sprint trio in golden form for Britain

Scott Dougal
Monday 12 December 2005 01:00 GMT

The result bodes well for Scotland at the Commonwealth Games next year and also for Great Britain at the World Championships in April as only Hoy is likely to be regarded as a definite first choice then. The British team had hoped to field a second, all-English trio featuring Jamie Staff and Jason Queally but Staff, who lives in the United States, was unable to travel because of visa problems.

Though Edgar lacks the first-lap power of Hoy and Maclean, he was a solid final-lap man and helped to see off a first-choice Dutch team in the final. Teun Mulder, Theo Bos and Tim Veldt won silver at the World Championships, but they were 0.08sec behind the Scots, who finished in 45.035.

Victoria Pendleton won her third medal of the weekend, bronze in the keirin to go with her gold from the sprint and bronze from the 500 metre time-trial.

Britain's third medal of the day went to Rob Hayles and Mark Cavendish as the Madison world champions had to settle for bronze.

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