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The Bad Lip Reading video of Donald Trump's State of the Union address is absolutely perfect

Wednesday 13 February 2019 11:00 GMT
Picture: (Bad Lip Reading/ YouTube/ Screengrab)

Bad lip readings are one of the great and hilarious institutions that that internet has bestowed upon us and they never fail to raise a chuckle.

In the past, they have treated us to their own unique iterations of the Royal Wedding and a Sarah Sanders press briefing.

If you aren't familiar with their videos they are exactly what you would imagine: lip readings of real-life events but they make almost no sense and are all the better for it.

Now it's Donald Trump's turn and last week's maligned State of the Union address and we have to say that it is considerably better than what we actually got.

Highlights include the constant back and forth between Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence, The song that announced Trump's arrival and his numerous interactions as he made his way through the House, Bernie Sanders wishing to 'roast all of Trump's fingers' and Melania's brief cameo.

Sadly we didn't get to see Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her stoic silence but you can't ask for everything.

The clip has already been viewed more than one million times since yesterday and people are loving it.

HT The Poke

More: State of the Union: Nancy Pelosi clapping at Trump has become an instant meme

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