Letter: A constitution for all Euro citizens

Mr Rudiger von Wechmar,Mep
Wednesday 26 May 1993 23:02 BST

Sir: Ernest Wistrich (Letters, 21 May) suggests the drafting of a European constitution ('which could be submitted to a Europe-wide referendum at the same time as the next European parliamentary elections due in June 1994'). You may be interested to know that the Committee for Institutional Affairs of the European Parliament has been doing just that over the past several months.

The committee, of which I am a member, has now before it a draft paper that, in little more than 40 articles, attempts to present a constitution 'close to the citizens' of the European Union. We hope to be able to complete our work before the summer recess, so that the European Parliament plenary can vote on it in September or October.

Yours faithfully,


Abgeordneter, Liberale Fraktion

European Parliament


24 May

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