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The Word On: Sarah Palin

Palin won't be vice-president, but she won the hearts of talent scouts and literary agents who are scrambling to sign her to multimillion-dollar contracts... 'There are several of our imprints who are eager to talk to Governor Palin,' Random House spokesman Stuart Applebaum said. 'She clearly has a constituency and we know books by conservatively-centered politicos usually sell well.'

Richard Johnson (

Palin won't be vice-president, but she won the hearts of talent scouts and literary agents who are scrambling to sign her to multimillion-dollar contracts... 'There are several of our imprints who are eager to talk to Governor Palin,' Random House spokesman Stuart Applebaum said. 'She clearly has a constituency and we know books by conservatively-centered politicos usually sell well.'

Richard Johnson (

Sarah P has a certain hypnotic pulling power. But one does have to feel sorry for the author who ghosts her book, once the big deal is made. Trying to turn her convoluted sentences into readable prose will be quite a challenge.

Joan Druett (

While... we're all curious about her credentials and background, what I'd really like to read is a book written by those people within the Republican party who snitched on her... following the election. The 'she doesn't know what Africa is' guy, and the one who blabbed [about] her clothing.

Helen (

If she accepts, I'll wager that she will give a considerable chunk of her share to charity – possibly NADS, the National Association for Downs Syndrome. Yes, she's that kind of person.

JP (govpalin4prez.

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