Deadpool will never forgive Wolverine for X-Men Origins in Australia Day message

"I've got no problems with Hugh; I mean, he's a delightful guy, he really is. True legend. But the movie, that was a career low for me."

Clarisse Loughrey
Friday 22 January 2016 09:37 GMT

Deadpool continues its full-on assault of a marketing campaign with a very special message for Australia Day, traditionally celebrated on 26 January. The Merc with the Mouth's penchant for fourth-wall breaking antics has given Fox an absolute bounty of advertising options, so it's delightful to see them make full use of the character in left-field pieces like this. 

Indeed, this new spot sees Ryan Reynold's foul-mouthed superhero directly address the good citizens of Australia, relishing the opportunity for a good, old-fashioned jibe; "I'd fit right in with your proud nation," he quips. "With its shady criminal past and its predilection for black-out drinking, and unrelenting condescension towards New Zealand." Condescension towards New Zealand? Every day, we're learning new things about this guy. 

"One one teeny problem. You gave us Wolverine. And for that, I can't forgive you," he then chimes. "I've got no problems with Hugh [Jackman]; I mean, he's a delightful guy, he really is. True legend. But the movie, that was a career low for me."

There's truly some perverse pleasure to be had in seeing that past burden so brazenly tackled; assuring fans this new Deadpool won't share any similarities to the widely-panned incarnation which popped up, also played by Reynolds, in the slightly disastrous X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

And it looks as if all the hard work might pay off; Deadpool's hype has landed it with an estimated $55M-plus debut, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Combined with the positive reactions coming out of Fox's recent surprise screenings, though most were already self-professed fans of the character, it's looking as if this R-rated risk may actually pay off for the studio.

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