Star Wars 7: Leaked photos show Millennium Falcon in construction

X-Wing-like spacecraft also being built

Christopher Hooton
Wednesday 04 June 2014 18:01 BST

More photos have leaked from the Star Wars Episode 7 set, and they appear to confirm the return of Han Solo's trusty Millennium Falcon.

With Harrison Ford confirmed to be returning to his role many expected that the Falcon might make an appearance in JJ Abrams' sequel, but this all but confirms it, the construction pictured looking uncannily like the space freighter.

It also looks kind of beaten up - I like to imagine Han and Chewie held onto the ship and are storing it in some sort of galactic equivalent of a shed even though it’s a relic of a bygone era.

What looks like an X-Wing being built also features in the images, leaked by TMZ, though eagled-eyed fans have identified it as a Z-95 Headhunter.

The gossip site said the pictures taken inside a 'secret location in the UK where different set pieces, props and creatures are being constructed.'

Photos from the film's Abu Dhabi location shoot have also surfaced online over the past week, while yesterday it was confirmed that Lupita Nyong’o and Game of Thrones' Gwendoline Christie have joined the cast.

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