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The Matrix: New film may actually be a Morpheus prequel

It's reportedly one of the most popular ideas currently being kicked around a Warner Bros. writer's room for the franchise

Clarisse Loughrey
Sunday 19 March 2017 16:09 GMT

It feels like the truth has been a little lost in the chaos caused by revelations a new film of The Matrix was in the works.

First reports seemed to indicate that Warner Bros. were keen to completely reboot or remake the franchise, but that angle has since been denied by the very writer hired for the job, Zak Penn, who took to Twitter to declare the reports inaccurate; insisting that The Matrix should never be rebooted.

What, exactly, will this new Matrix film consist of then? Penn further hinted that, "People who know Animatrix and the comics understand. Do I want to see more stories set in the universe of The Matrix? Yes. Because it’s a brilliant idea that generates great stories. Look at what people are doing with X-Men universe. Between Logan and Legion and Deadpool, does anyone want them to stop? Not me."

Which seems to indicate any new film for the franchise will directly take on the idea of the expanded universe, as set forth by the aforementioned Animatrix (the anthology anime film) and the comics, opening up wide the possibilities for new narratives.

An interesting report from Birth.Movies.Death seems to claim from two independent sources that the studio is looking particularly at the idea of a Morpheus prequel, with Creed's Michael B. Jordan taking on the role made famous by Laurence Fisburne.

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Admittedly, it's one of several ideas currently being mulled over, with Warner Bros. having established a dedicated writer's room with the very intent of creating a multi-film franchise; though the Morpheus idea is proving one of the more popular creative directions.

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