The Number 23 (15)

Nicholas Barber
Sunday 25 February 2007 01:00 GMT

Jim Carrey is in downbeat Truman Show / Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind mode in The Number 23, which wants to play the same mind-bending, high-concept games as those films, but which hasn't quite grasped the rules. Carrey plays a dogcatcher who picks up a typewritten novel at a second-hand bookshop, and discovers that the narrator's life is uncannily like his own. There's some tantalising nonsense about the "enigma" of the number 23, but the answers to the story's questions are even sillier than the questions. And after a long, long explanation of how Carrey and the novel are connected, it turns out that the number 23 is largely irrelevant.

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