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Independent Pursuits: Bridge

Alan Hiron
Thursday 10 September 1998 23:02 BST

SOUTH PLAYED this deal with considerable skill but it was his misfortune that he met an equally far-sighted defence. West opened One Club, North overcalled with One Spade, and East raised to Two Clubs. Hoping for the best, South jumped to Four Hearts and all passed. West led #10 and, correctly guessing that this was from a doubleton, East ducked. The diamond position was even clearer to declarer and he saw that, if he led trumps immediately, the defenders would score their ruff.

Instead, South started with 4A and 4K, discarding a diamond, and followed with another spade on which he threw his last diamond - exchanging one loser for another. West, in with 4Q, led his other diamond, and South ruffed. He was still not out of the wood, however, for he saw that if he played trumps now West (who was marked with the aces of clubs and hearts) would win and follow with the ace and another club, locking the lead in dummy. Then, as indeed would happen in practice, leading either a spade or a diamond would surely lead to a second trump trick for the defence.

Now declarer had his next bright idea - he played a club towards the king himself. In this way, he reasoned, if West took his ace and led another club there would still be a trump in dummy to lead, and there would be no trump promotion for the defenders.

West had the last word when he played low on the club lead. The king won and dummy's trump was led, but now, when West took his ace, he led a low club to his partner's jack. Now East led a diamond, and declarer had to concede defeat.

Game all; dealer West


4A K 7 6 4 2


#9 8 7 5

2K 10

West East

4Q J 10 49 5 3

!A 10 2 !9 4

#10 2 #A J 6 4

2A Q 9 7 5 2J 8 3 2



!K Q J 8 7 6 5

#K Q 3

26 4

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