Letter: A case to act on

Dr Ingrid Lunt
Thursday 26 November 1998 00:02 GMT

Sir: Contrary to your report "Steep rise in sex abuse of patients" (21 November), the British Psychological Society did remove Dr Peter Slade from the Register of Chartered Psychologists.

The rationale of our disciplinary committee for allowing Dr Slade to remain in membership of the society, as opposed to remaining on our register, was so that we might have some control over his future behaviour. This case highlights the necessity for statutory control of psychologists, something the British Psychological Society has been campaigning for since the early 1990s.

Our latest communications with government indicate that whilst the case in favour of statutory control is made, they are not prepared to find government time to put the legislation on the floor of the House. Perhaps this case will persuade the government to act.



British Psychological Society


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