Interview,Chloe Walker
Sunday 14 March 1999 00:02 GMT

I saw something rather brilliant in New York which is coming to London, to the Roundhouse, later this year. It was an anarchic circus show called De la Guarda by an Argentinian troupe. It was an exceptional, extraordinary evening. You walk into a room which is in absolute darkness, a pitch black space with about 200 people standing up. There is nervous laughter from the audience, until after a few minutes you hear sounds above your head. It sounds like a pitter patter - it could be rain or balls being dropped. Then you see little flashlights and there are people above a false ceiling who suddenly break through. It becomes like a party but that makes it sound too frivolous. At one moment someone took hold of me and I went flying 60 feet into the air. It is art in a very modern form. I don't want to say too much about what happens as it would ruin the surprise. It reminded me of when I was in my twenties and living in London - I had a nightly seat to see La Grande Magique Circus. De la Guarda is La Grande Magique Circus for the millennium. It is sharper and sexier - a wonderful show.

Trudie Styler is producing Shi-Wa at Shakespeare's Globe, SE1 (0171 403 7400), Sat.

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