William Trevitt: Answer the questions!

Bring on the dancing boyz

Sunday 17 February 2002 01:00 GMT

William Trevitt, 33, began dancing in Cambridge aged six and joined the Royal Ballet at 18. In 1999, he quit – with fellow dancer Michael Nunn – in a blaze of publicity captured on their Channel 4 video diary, Ballet Boyz. Last year, the pair set up contemporary dance company, George Piper Dances (an amalgamation of their middle names), which has already received a South Bank Show Award nomination.

How's the tour going? Have you encountered any old-fashioned prejudice about boys in tights?

Our tour is going well thanks. And as for prejudice? We've never come across any, but if you know anyone with an old-fashioned prejudice, bring them along and we will show them what they are missing.

Do you think attitudes to dance have changed?

I am sure that films like Billy Elliot have helped to make people more comfortable with taking a risk and buying a ticket for dance.

Did your friends tease you about dancing as a boy?

No, only one of the teachers at my primary school.

Will you make a full-length feature film someday?

Absolutely. Michael and I are fascinated by TV and film but just for the moment George Piper Dances seems to take all of our time.

Do you and Michael ever fall out over artistic differences?

Never. One of us is always right and the other knows it.

Modern dance has become the sexy sideline to ballet. Do you think classical ballet's had its day?

I think it has lost some of its creative momentum, which is a problem, but it should always be a wonderful period spectacle – if you like that sort of thing.

What will you do if one of your sons wants to join the Royal Ballet?

Encourage and support him. Oh, and warn him.

George Piper Dances is touring the UK until 28 July. For details, call 020 7637 5505 or visit www.gpdances.com

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