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Who is America? episode 6: As it happened

Billy Wayne Ruddick Jr. brings up an alt-right favourite - Hilary Clinton conspiracy theories

Christopher Hooton
Monday 20 August 2018 01:46 BST

With two episodes to go, is Who is America? running out of steam or saving the best until last?

The past couple of weeks the show has felt a little formulaic, going after easy Republican and/or Trumpist targets who no longer have much to do with either the party nor the president.

I’ve consistently bemoaned the lack of Democrats sent up by Baron Cohen on a show professing to explore a divided America and perhaps he heard me, as the politician teased in the comedian’s Twitter trailer (below) this week is Howard Dean. A former Chair of the Democratic National Committee and Governor of Vermont for six terms, Dean ran for president in 2004 but failed to secure the Democratic nomination.

Dean is interviewed by Baron Cohen’s Billy Wayne Ruddick Jr., PhD character in the clip, presented with a far-right conspiracy theory that Hilary Clinton is in fact a man.

Erran Morad, OMGWhizzBoyOMG! and other characters will likely be back tonight, and it will be interesting to see if there are any new ones left to introduce before the series bows out.

Watch along with us in our live blog below (please allow a moment for it to load):

Who is America? airs on Showtime in the US on Sunday nights and follows on Channel 4 in the UK the next evening.


This is the weakest of his training segments so far though. It was no 'HERE COMES PORK!'

Christopher Hooton20 August 2018 03:25

My god Baron Cohen loves toilet humour. Dr. Nira attempting to anally birth a child may be the most extreme example yet.

Christopher Hooton20 August 2018 03:28

This feels so Austin Powers somehow.

Christopher Hooton20 August 2018 03:29

"I ate a spicy breakfast so I might be giving birth to twins."

Christopher Hooton20 August 2018 03:29

'Decapitated by sphincter' is not a combination of words I thought I'd have to use today, or at any time for that matter.

Christopher Hooton20 August 2018 03:31

Again with this. Experts shooting down Billy Wayne's conspiracy theory just isn't funny/revealing.

Christopher Hooton20 August 2018 03:33

Rick Sherman had his best episode last week with his DJ set, tonight he goes into the kitchen.

Christopher Hooton20 August 2018 03:36

Episode worth it for this screengrab.

Christopher Hooton20 August 2018 03:39

Oh my god. He's going to do it.

Christopher Hooton20 August 2018 03:40

I mean, who hasn't had the 'would you eat a tiny bit of ethically-sourced human?' conversation?

Christopher Hooton20 August 2018 03:41

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