Game of Thrones season 6 trailer: Second teaser sees return of Tyrion's drunken one-liners

Sansa is sporting a Stark sigil

Christopher Hooton
Tuesday 12 April 2016 08:01 BST
Game of Thrones Season 6 Trailer 2

With just 12 days to go before its arrival, HBO has released a new trailer for Game of Thrones season 6, and it doesn't look like the White Walkers will be letting up.

The two-minute comes with the usual shuddering drums and ominous one-liners, Tormund Giantsbane saying: “I thought he was the man to lead us through the Long Night but I was wrong," as we see a shot of Jon Snow's corpse/soon to be resurrected body.

All the other key bits you need to look out for:

- Jaime beefing the High Sparrow

- Bran opening his eyes among the Weirwood roots in the Three-Eyed Raven’s cave

- Daenerys being stripped by the Dothraki for obligatory nude scene

- Arya's assassin training coming along nicely

- Sansa bearing the Stark sigil! Sophie Turner said Sansa will be a "badass bitch" this season

- A hint that the Freys will get their comeupance

- Jorah trying to hide his increasing greyscale and pretend he's still a sexy dad

- First look at Ania Bukstein as a red priestess

- A glimpse of the Tower of Joy flashback (the stabbing shot)

- Davos and Sansa apparently in the same room

- Ramsay Bolton preparing for battle with a smirk

- A soaring dragon

- Tyrion back on the sauce:

Tyrion: “Dragons do not do well in captivity,”

Missandei: “How do you know this?”

Tyrion: “That’s what I do. I drink and I know things.”

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