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Game of Thrones season 8 ending teased by Bran actor

'It won't go the way some people want'

Jack Shepherd
Wednesday 20 December 2017 14:38 GMT

Game of Thrones’ seventh season was praised for its epic scope but often criticised for rushing over certain plot points — such is the nature of wrapping up a huge scale project.

With production taking place on the HBO show’s eighth and final season, Isaac Hempstead Wright has spoken about the upcoming episodes and how things will inevitably end.

“We're all so confident in the way this story goes and the message it gives and how the whole story arc works” the Bran actor told THR.

“As long as we feel we've done the story justice, and have done justice to George's universe and David and Dan's vision, then that's really all we can hope for.

“It won't go the way some people want. It will be too happy for some people, or too sad, or too whatever. That's the nature of an ending.”

Wright then hinted at further twists and turns in the season ahead, saying: “Midway through a season, there's always the idea that this is going to continue and somewhere along the way we'll make up for it all.

“When it comes to a conclusion, this is the end. Nothing more is coming, and the certainty of it being over will definitely bother people. But overall, I think we're going to smash it.”

Recently, Sansa Stark actor Sophie Turner dashed hopes of Game of Thrones returning next year, instead saying the final six episodes will likely air 2019.

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