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Love Island catch up: Biggest talking points including Belle and Anton dumping ahead of final episode

Four couples will now compete for public votes in the Love Island final on Monday

Roisin O'Connor
Sunday 28 July 2019 19:06 BST
Love Island first look: It's time to meet the parents

Anton and Belle have become the latest couple to be dumped from Love Island after receiving the lowest number of public votes.

Anton was one of the original contestants from this year's series while Belle joined later on. The dumping took place after all of the Islanders received visits from their families in the popular "meet the parents" segment of the series.

Here are some of the biggest talking points from the penultimate episode of the series.

Anton and Belle got dumped

Not surprisingly, really, given they were one of the least interesting couples this season.

The contestants got to see their families

In what is always one of the most genuinely moving moments of Love Island, members of each contestant's family turned up to wish the Islanders good luck for the final, offer words of wisdom and meet their respective partners. Top marks for Curtis's mum, who was incapable of pronouncing Maura's name properly (she kept saying "Moira").

Greg's mum gave Amber a shamrock necklace

... which clearly gave Amber and Greg the luck they needed to skip through to the Love Island final.

Anton's mum gave Belle a razor

It's possible that viewers were so grossed out after seeing this moment in the preview that they voted Anton and Belle out together, just to save Belle from the horrors of having to shave her boyfriend's arse.

The liveblog is now closed:

The Love Island final airs on Monday 29 July at 9pm on ITV2


And so are Molly-Mae and Tommy!

roisin.oconnor28 July 2019 21:53

They love dragging this out don't they.

roisin.oconnor28 July 2019 21:54

The two couples with the most public votes are going to join the other two in the final. The couple with the fewest votes will be dumped tonight.

It's astonishing how Caroline Flack can make two sentences drag on for FIVE MINUTES.

roisin.oconnor28 July 2019 21:55

Ovie and India are safe!

roisin.oconnor28 July 2019 21:55

So it's down to Maura and Curtis or Anton and Belle.

roisin.oconnor28 July 2019 21:55

So I didn't exactly call it, but Anton and Belle were probably the most likely to go, being the most boring two people in the villa (which is bloody difficult).

roisin.oconnor28 July 2019 21:57

Anton is, of course, crying. Bless him.

roisin.oconnor28 July 2019 21:58

Do you know what I find weird? The music they play during the most 'emotional' moments of Love Island is the kind they always use in those films where at least one person is dying of cancer. Calm down guys, they're not shipping off to 'Nam.

roisin.oconnor28 July 2019 22:00

AMYWAY. That's it from me for tonight. I'm sure you'll all be delighted to hear I'm back on tomorrow night for the LOVE ISLAND FINAL 

That's right, it's almost over. I'm so happy I might do an Anton and bawl my eyes out. 

Night for now, thanks for watching!

roisin.oconnor28 July 2019 22:02

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